7 Days to Die Wiki
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Ten artykuł dotyczy historii wersji gry 7 Days to Die i nadchodzących aktualizacji.

Ważne[ | ]

If you edit this article make sure to link references for your edit and edit the right Version.

Nadchodzące Aktualizacje[ | ]

Alpha 3[ | ]

Wersja Data Wydania Content

Historia Wersji[ | ]

Wersja Data Wydania Content
Alpha 1 16.08.2013 [1]

Alpha 1[ | ]

Mapy[ | ]

Biomy[ | ]

Materiały Budowlane[ | ]

Rudy[ | ]

Sztabki[ | ]

Wrogowie[ | ]

Narzędzia/Bronie[ | ]

Narzędzia[ | ]
Bronie[ | ]
  • Owinięta Drutem Maczuga
  • Wzmocniona Żelazem Maczuga
  • Wyrzutnia Rakiet
  • Pistolet
  • Strzelba
  • Karabin Snajperski
  • Patyk z Kolcami
  • Pistolet Maszynowy
  • Drewniana Maczuga
Pułapki/Miny[ | ]

Pożywienie[ | ]

Możliwe do Znalezienia Pożywienie[ | ]
  • Jagody
  • Puszka Jedzenia dla Kota
  • Puszka Chili
  • Puszka Jedzenia dla Psa
  • Puszka Szynki
  • Puszka Miso
  • Puszka Makaronu
  • Puszka Gruszek
  • Puszka Grochu
  • Puszka Łososia
  • Puszka Zupy
  • Puszka Bulionu
  • Puszka Tuńczyka
  • Porcja Kurczaka
  • Porcja Jagnięciny
  • Duża Porcja Wołowiny
  • Gotowana Wieprzowina
  • Kukurydza
  • Ziemniak
  • Oskórowany Królik
  • Wieprzowina
  • Dziczyzna
Wytwarzalne Pożywienie[ | ]

Przedmioty[ | ]

Nasiona[ | ]

Znane Bugi[ | ]

  • Różne rodzaje Bloku Żużlu wytwarzają inny dźwięk i wymagają innego czasu na zniszczenie
  • Zniszczony Kamień nie wytwarza dźwięku, gdy się go uderza
  • Rośliny nie potrzebują słońca aby rosnąć. Kilka pochodni w zupełności wystarczy (nawet pod ziemią)
  • Niektóre rośliny mogą zostać umieszczone na każdym typie bloku, takim jak Kamień
  • Drewniany Pal każdego rodzaju i Drut Kolczasty nie zadają obrażeń
  • Zombie mają tendencję do bugowania się w pobliżu wody. Albo w ogóle nie wchodzą do wody albo traktują ją jak ciemne miejsce i zaczynają biec do gracza
  • Zombie czasami zaczynają coś atakować i będą to robić dopóki nie wejdzie się z nimi w bezpośrednią interakcję.
  • Ściana ze Złomu nie posiada ikonki w grze
  • TNT shows as a block in the inventory but goes to its texture when placed
  • When reloading the Shotgun and switching inventory slots, you still hear the Shotgun reloading but it doesn't reload
  • The Shotgun must reload all shells before using it again
  • When mining blocks, they drops may be stuck inside a solid block, allowing it to be difficult to pick up
  • When crafting items from your front inventory bar and exiting out of it, your items will stack and duplicate double the amount
  • Placing a nearly destroyed pickaxe in the crafting table gives a pickaxe with nearly full durability.
  • When breaking the Refrigerator with a pickaxe and then placing it again, loot will spawn inside it.
  • Sometimes the industry factory towers will not fall from gravity once the bottoms are taken off of it (Normally when you use barrels to explode the tower).
  • When placing a wood Spikes next to a wall, you can place more wood Spikes on top of each other depending on the wall size.
  • When you die from Radiation in the Rad zone, you will still hear the Radiation sound when respawning for several seconds, and until you click 'ENTER' to spawn.
  • Items and Blocks of any kind when crafted can be stacked to any amount, but when using the item, or dropping, it will not restack back onto its original stack, as the limit is 64 for most items (For example, making 700 Sticks, dropping 10 sticks, the sticks will stack into a new stack until its limit '64' is reached).
  • When refueling the Chainsaw or Auger, there is no sound effect to it? (Bug or not added to the game?)
  • Some blocks and items around the map act as a storage container and can be looted.
  • When clicking your mouse onto an item or block in your inventory, for a slight second, you will notice a different name saying something like 'pistol' other than 'Pistol'. When clicking an item for a slight second you will notice it uses the items 'code' name for the coding files of the game. In addition to this, sometimes your inventory will glitch out where you hover your mouse over an item such as the 'Pistol', but the name will show as 'Paper'.
  • When your underground and the sun is going down or up, you will notice a 'Lighting' changing effect. When its daytime it will be lighter than normal in the underground. When it's night, it will be darker.
  • The Torch and Flashlight don't effect the lighting level. You can walk into a pitch black area and use the Torch or Flashlight in your hand and it will not change the lighting level, it only shows as an animation effect.
  • Sleeping Bags will show up on the outside part of your map. It will show the arrow of your Sleeping Bag spawn point in the bars of Hunger, Health and the others.
  • In Multiplayer, when a player leaves the game, it will delete the inventory of anyone that leaves and rejoins the game, but not the player who is hosting the server.
  • When farming with corn, you will sometimes receive Candy Tin Cans as loot and also some other items.
  • When underwater, you do not have a water breathing bar, so therefore you cannot die underwater. (?)
  • You cannot place blocks in or on water, and water cannot be destroyed as zombies cannot attack it and doesn't indicate as a 'Source' block. (?)
  • When sprinting towards a solid block or wall, and walking towards it while being right next to it, you can see though the wall, acting as a transparent block.
  • When attempting to join a server, and the Server fails, the mouse will be disabled until you either exit the window by closing it or by pressing Alt + Tab and re-entering the window.
Wersja Data Wydania Content
Alpha 1.1 16.08.2013 [2]

Alpha 1.1[ | ]

  • Ulepszone zarządzanie pamięcią, gra potrzebuje jej mniej
  • Do 6 graczy w trybie kooperacji i trybie Multiplayer
  • Od teraz kiedy nasz serwer jest nieosiągalny funkcje sprawdzania wersji i sprawdzania loginu mogą zostać wyłączone
  • Lepsze wsparcie serwerów dedykowanych (nielimitowana liczba graczy)
  • Błędy na Konsoli nie pokażą się już więcej
  • Kilka bugów związanych z duplikacją przedmiotów zostało naprawionych
  • Dodano recepty dla Cegły, Zbutwiałej Cegły, Rozściełacza z Czerwonego Drewna i więcej
  • Ulepszone odnajdywanie ścieżki (eng. pathpinding) na schodach dla Zombie

Komendy Serwerowej Konsoli[ | ]

  • gamemode=0|1 (0 = koop, 1= pvp). W trybie pvp nie widzisz innych graczy na mapie
  • maxplayers=X (dowolna liczba <= 64 jest poprawna). W trybie GUI maksymalna liczba graczy wynosi 8
  • difficulty=X (X między 1 a 10, ogranicza spawnowanie fal przeciwników na dzień X)
  • world=X (nazwa świata do wczytania, obecnie tylko Navezgane)
  • name=X (nazwa gry)
  • dedicated (musi być ostatnia opcja, aby uruchomić serwer dedykowany)
  • ip=X (ip the dedicated shall listen on, this is only for the extra socket connections. Unity listening cannot be limited)

Bugi[ | ]

  • pajęczyna pojawia się w nowo postawionych skrzyniach
  • strzały z bliska przechodzą przez zombie
  • drzwi ustawiają się w złym kierunku
  • problem that if during reloading clip was removed gun was full though by removing clip on start of reload
  • dwoje graczy może podnieść 1 przedmiot w tym samym czasie
  • opóźnione obrażenia zadawane graczowi przez drewniane kolce
  • zombie "tańczą na schodach
  • opasły piechur niszczy schody
  • wyskakujące błędy konsoli
  • duplikowanie przedmiotów
Wersja Data Wydania Content
Alpha 1.1a 16.08.2013 [3]

Alpha 1.1a[ | ]

  • Szybkie poprawki w zabezpieczeniach
Wersja Data Wydania Content
Alpha 2 09.11.2013 [4]

Alpha 2[ | ]

Świat[ | ]

  • Dodano nowe duże miasto w Navezgane, zwane Gravetown
  • Dodano nowe rozmieszczenie domów w północno-środkowym Navezgane na nowej ulicy zwanej Husker Ave
  • Dodano ule gigantycznych os w spalonych lasach centralnego regionu Navezgane
  • Dodano nowe mapy do trybu Deathmatch w multiplayer: Wasteland War, Wasteland Skirmish i Forest Skirmish
  • Dodano nowe mapy do trybu Zombie Horde: Wasteland Horde i Forest Horde

Bronie i Przedmioty[ | ]

  • Dodano uniwersalny młotek do naprawiania bloków i receptę do jego wytworzenia.

Kliknij prawym przyciskiem myszy na uszkodzonym/zniszczonym bloku lub drzwiach, aby go/je naprawić

  • Dodano karabin myśliwski i amunicję do niego. Może zostać znaleziony
  • Dodano możliwe do wytworzenia kuszę i bełty
  • Dodano możliwe do wytworzenia bomby z lontem, którymi można rzucać. Eksplodują w reakcji łańcuchowej
  • Dodano strzelbę z długą lufą
  • Dodano przedmiot pióro
  • Dodano do świata, zawierające w sobie przedmioty, gniazda ptaków
  • Dodano przedmiot jajo
  • Dodano przedmiot miód i możliwość znalezienia go w ulach gigantycznych os

AI/Wrogowie[ | ]

  • Dodano nowe mogące wspinać się po ścianach zombie-pająki
  • Dodano nowe [Pies Zombie|psy zombie]] poruszające się szybciej niż zombie
  • Dodano new Acid Puking Hulk Zombie Cop whose acid vomit melts blocks and he explodes with low health*BURP!*
  • Dodano giant mutated hornets and hive POI’s for them *BZZZZZZZZZ!*
  • Dodano a new burnt zombie to the burnt forest
  • Dodano new spawning system improvements
  • Dodano a new base zombie sound set
  • Dodano new base zombie climb ladder behavior

HUD/Menu[ | ]

   New Menu Theme with new background, options and layout
  • Dodano customization for game modes including: game difficulty with 5 levels to choose from, user defined 24 Hour cycle, friendly fire toggle, enemies spawn toggle, public/private game options, cheats toggle, password setting and more
  • Dodano new List box for levels with scrolling with 5 new levels and 2 new game modes
  • Dodano scoreboard which can be shown by holding the TAB key (You can set the key bindings for this to something else if you like)
  • Dodano a FOV (Field of View) slider to graphics options for our players who get nausea (sorry it took so long!)
  • Dodano Credits Screen

Różne[ | ]

   Added cabinet side texture for new houses and integrated into modern house art key
   Added glass shower texture for new houses and integrated into modern house art key
   Added new end tables, end tables with lamps to modern house
   Added Created range top texture and implemented into new houses
   Added soffit to modern shingle blocks
   Added bird nest loot, eggs and feathers to desert biome
   Added bird nest to certain trees, barns, roofs and other hidden areas
   Added new museum/bank building and textures
   Added New chunk region format with less chunk files
   New file format for chunks – Old worlds can be converted to the new format [We recommend just starting a new world]

Multiplayer[ | ]

   Added new game Server Browser for finding and connecting to games which shows game name, host, world, mode and more. Can also kick and ban users
   Implemented a day 9 and beyond in hoard mode
   Added new multiplayer mode – Horde Mode – Added first pass on hoard mode
   Added new multiplayer mode – Deathmatch
   Added new MP Forest Horde map
   Added new MP Forest Skirmish map
   Added MP Wasteland Skirmish map
   Added MP Wasteland War map
   Added MP Wasteland Horde map
   Created Various supply crate entities and texture assets for MP maps
   Added Server side recipe list download for connected clients.
   Added web based control panel access for dedicated servers
   Added master server list and server registration for server browser
   Switched network communication protocol to Unity’s RPC mechanism. Now hopefully more than 8 players should be running smoothly
   NAT Punchthrough for player ran servers as well as dedicated servers.
   Added new deathmatch airdrop supply volumes to wasteland war and skirmish maps
   Added a new serverconfig.xml for the dedicated server that uses all game options

Dedicated Server Settings include:[ | ]

   ServerPort – specifies the port used to connect to the server
   ServerIsPublic – If true, the game will show up in the server browser
   ServerName – The name of your server
   ServerPassword – Specifies required password to connect to a server. Leave blank for no pass
   ServerMaxPlayerCount – Specifies the maximum amount of players (max 64)
   GameWorld – The game map you wish to use for the server (usually Navezgane)
   GameName – The name of your game/who hosts
   GameDifficulty – Specifies the difficulty for the game. 0 = easiest. 4 = hardest
   GameMode – Specifiy the game mode type. : GameModeSurvival, GameModeDeathmatch, GameModeZombieHorde)
   EnemySpawning – If true, enemies will spawn in the game
   ShowAllPlayersOnMap – If true, players will show up on the map
   BuildCreate – If true, creative mode will be enabled to use
   DayNightLength – Sets the 24 hour time in minutes. Default is 40 minutes for 24 hours
   DayCount – Specifies the amount of days for hordemode( only for horde mode, use 0 for unlimited)
   FragLimit – specifies amount of frags/kills to reach before game ends in deathmatch(only for deathmatch, use 0 for disabled)
   MatchLength – specifies the length of the match that will end the game if the fraglimit isn’t reached(only for deathmatch, use 0 for unlimited)
   RebuildMap – If true, when the round ends for a full game the map will be reset to it’s original state
   ControlPanelPort – Specifies the port to access the web control-panel
   ControlPanelPassword – Specifies the password to access the web control-panel

Główne Zmiany[ | ]

   Changed barbed wire fences recipe to use sticks instead of power poles
   Changed barbed wire recipe to use forging metal
   Added concrete to general supplies
   Added general supplies to hoard drops
   Changed hardness of “leaves” material so pine tree & dead tree branches can easily be destroyed and they now have a 100% chance of dropping a stick so players can make clubs easily pretty much anywhere.
   Torch and car fire have now burning sounds
   If you drop a torch, now it doesn’t continue burning (the particles are switched off
   Added m136 rocket launcher reloads to both controllers
   Added hunting rifle to fire sounds so zombies can hear it, lowered sniper rifle volume
   When reloading a weapon, the ammo is instantly consumed now. If the player switches to another hotkey slot while the reload animation is playing, the gun is not reloaded and the ammo consumed is restored.
   Increased rocket entity damage
   Made it so anything stone destroyed drops destroyed stone, and then you can create cobblestone from 4 pieces of it.
   Removed thin corrugated metal recipe because it was redundant with thinmetalplate
   Added crossbow reload sound
   Weapons found in loot containers will now have a random chance of having between 25%-75% durability left to use.
   Tree leaves don’t fall any more when hit with a single shot (f.e. pistol / axe)
   Rewrote game mode, difficulty and level descriptions
   Added Ladder Climbing animations for female player
   Removed a bunch of First Person Male animations and now share with female
   Added Rocket Launcher reload animation – New rocket particle effect – New rocket ammo model and texture
   There is now a small delay between dropping items. You cannot spam the Q button anymore.
   Improved reload animations for all weapons
   Rocks can be picked up and crafted into stone, and then stone can be crafted into throwing rocks. – Throwing rocks will make a noise and should attract nearby zombies that don’t see the player
   The “loot label” in the game on loot containers is now hidden by the bag again
   Added new beds to modern houses
   Metal trussing is easier to destroy
   Game Options now saved with the save game
   Fixed problem that sleeping bag icon wasn’t removed when sleeping bag fell down
   When picking up a torch now you get the item and not the block torch
   Added a delay of 0.8s to throwing rocks

Zmiany w Przedmiotach[ | ]

   Barbed wire fences now do less damage
   Wooden spikes now do less damage
   Animated Wrench / Repair tool and added repair sound
   Some items now have new and better models and icons
   You now need to use paper instead of sticks to create a campfire
   Increased iron ingots in supply crates and how much you get from ore
   Blocks involved in an explosion now drop its destroyed block with a chance of 50%
   Blocks involved in falling now drop its destroyed block with a chance of 70%
   Reduced the amount of metal trussing you get from short metal pipes and amount of short metal pipes you get from forging metal

Zmiany w Multiplayer[ | ]

   Removed port setting in options (Networking) and moved to single player creation on the create new game screen.
   Raised all supply drop volumes in the Dm and Horde levels to 150
   Added a temp sound + text for the zombie horde mode whenever a wave starts
   Changed logic for “rebuild map: never”. Old: player inventory was cleared, new: player keeps his inventory
   In horde mode the state of the dynamic spawner is now saved too. Now there is not always a “New horde” on continuing a saved horde mode game
   Delete Save game button added to Continue Game screen
   Kick/Ban functionality added to console commands
   Game Browser now has search input at the top, searches game name and game host
   Ping added to server entries on Game Browser
   Climb animation is now also shown on clients
   Increased chance of getting water in horde supply crate drops
   Supply crates are also saved in DM and horde games

Zmiany w HUD/Menu[ | ]

   Added new Coming Next features background to the game
   Game mode options now have a default and a restore defaults so you can get back to the original settings
   Updated all map menu thumbnails so they are new and unique
   Messages now show up by default and the F2 Menu has been removed and replaced with the (default) TAB key that brings up the scoreboard
   Player icon now blinks on map (M)
   Made pressing TAB in the username field, jump into the password field at the login screen
   Added game options description to right hand panel
   Added a default “no image” for levels without a set image
   Added background music. Made background music fade in on menu and fade out on game play
   Game browser now has a column text limitation
   All Main menus changed to follow new theme
   Redid the server login of a client to better fit the lobby concept
   “Version is not valid any more” is only shown once on startup now instead of every quit to the main menu
   Added drop down box for the max number of allowed players on the create new game screen.
   Added game option that allows the player to set 24 hour cycle length in minutes.
   Removed background shadow sprites from game scene escape UI.
   Added new layout list of saved games on Continue Game Screen
   New menu sounds and music added
   HUD tweaks to switch locations of status bars

Zmiany w AI /Wrogach[ | ]

   Zombies don’t attack meaningless blocks anymore
   Zombies navigate fencing and other oddly shaped blocks properly
   Improved collision performance
   Implemented fat zombie special run anim
   Zombies will now climb ladders to get to you
   Increased Zombie spawning time for general biome zombies to address mass spawning
   Gave regular fat zombies fat zombie cop melee attack
   Added despawn rules: Zombies that are not spawned from a static POI spawner get despawned when they dont have a target any more
   Zombies now only run when there is a target/something they’re interested in
   Hornets will have honey on them on death
   Hulk’s vomit lightened in color
   Hulk explosion particles improved

Pozostałe Zmiany[ | ]

   Added placeholder sounds for all thrown or dropped objects
   Replaced window_paned01.png with smaller tiling tga version
   Special characters are no longer allowed in game names
   Internal change of saving of chunks: file handle is now kept open so that should lead to better save performance
   New water texture for game for non reflective water setting
   Add 0 to game options as infinite value
   Remappable keys added for Scoreboard and Console.
   In order to show certain MP maps, you must now have the gamemode selected
   Disabled Debug feature NUMPAD – (minus) and NUMPAD + (plus) and NUMPAD ENTER for release builds
   Darkened Supply Crate texture.
   New cobweb textures
   Removed all old cars from the game clearing up new texture space
   Removed model tree stump and leaves texture. Visit camp sites and make sure they don’t have a stone tree stump block in place
   Added xml file for level information – xml has allowed game name, game modes and description.
   Updated Navezgane bridges with central middle metal support for improved stability
   Made special bridge materials/blocks asphalt, metal, concrete and wood which helped the strength of the bridges. They still have a few blocks that sometimes fall in the center from the players weight but they are much better
   Updated inventory icons (GUI) for food, weapons and tools
   Added modern style furniture to Block model sets modular leather couch, end tables, lamp big screen TV
   Removed sticks dropping from leaves except for dead bushes
   Day/Night Length now deafaults to 30 minutes rather than a minute if registry key does not exist
   Several GameOptions set to not be persistent, these should no longer save in registry but instead use the default value if not set in new game or continue game
   Fixed preview image for small rock

Poprawki Bugów[ | ]

   Fixed (Should be) a server bug where items dropped on a server could not be picked up, and zombies were invincible – If this bug occurs again, please let us know.
   Fixed a bug that sounds of a breaking tree was too loud
   Fixed crash with NullReferenceException
   Fixed a problem that dynamic spawners weren’t spawning regularly
   Fixed a bug where the player could spam rockets, and other general gun shots by switching to another hotkey slot and back quickly
   Fixed a bug where the player could bypass the reloading animation to shoot again.
   Fixed a bug where general biome zombies and animals despawned too quickly
   Fixed all trees so stability works properly with them
   Fixed Zombie console error problem
   Fixed streetlight prefabs so stability works with them
   Fixed a bug where a dedicated server would not start a new round
   Fixed a bug where the Back button was not working in Options menu
   Fixed a problem where the player would take damage in cornfields with 0 damage from falling plant pieces
   Fixed issue where Option widths on new dropdown menu were not wide enough and now highlight when mousing over the options
   Fixed a bug where capital letters in a game name would count as special characters
   Fixed a bug where the Music volume slider did not work
   Fixed swung club to pistol transition
   Fixed held block to weapon transition
   Fixed pistol reload animation
   Fixed bug where zombies sometimes spawned below earth level or in a wall
   Fixed a bug where the player could place certain items that have low durability points into the crafting table to restore durability points back without using a second item to repair.
   Fixed a bug where the player could fall between 6-10 blocks high and take fall damage but get healed instead of losing health
   Fixed a bug with the metal to dirt impact particles
   Fixed a bug where pressing escape while the inventory/loot container was open would not close it properly.
   Fixed MP5 rotation bug when zoomed in
   Fixed a bug where the inventory would stay open when opening the sniper scope zoom
   64bit Installer installs the game in the correct location now
   Fixed problem that Overall Audio Sound Level was not working (due to a Unity 4.2 bug)
   No more weird sounds on entering a level any more
   Fixed big dupe bug where a player could press Q on certain items and not lose any from inventory
   Fixed male first person not crouching and some transition issues.
   Fixed stick attack for third person
   Fixed trunk breaks after 4 hits for client player
   Fixed “some sounds are not played correctly” in multiplayer
   Fixed the screen tilt problem when aiming down a weapon’s sights
   Fixed a bug where if the player was aiming down their gun sights and placed a weapon over it, the game would freeze up/spam console errors
   Fixed a bug where right clicking to split an output item in the crafting table would cause the unsplit items in the output block to vanish
   Fixed some duplication bugs
   Fixed a bug where the player could hit enemies and blocks from far away
   Fixed bug where popup menus would be covered by other things
   Fixed stability problem on explosions
   Fixed bug that plants did not grow any more
   Fixed Hornets attacking not yet spawned client players
   Fixed crash stack overflow on tall grass dying
   Fixed bug where adding a favorite would overwrite the last favorite
   Fixed bug where changing game options on continue game screen would not save
   Fixed explosion sound was played locally. Now the distance is also taken into consideration
   Fixed bug that the 2nd lit pipe bomb in a row wasn’t shown on the other clients. Please also retest the torches
   Fixed flicker of sunlight during early morning/evening
   Fixed bug where any player was able to call kick/ban, even if client. Now set to server only
   Fixed Car Entities collision is messed up
   Fixed All 4 chests in the game are now rotated right when placed: with the side facing the player
   Fixed mantis bug: Torch can be placed “into” a chest
   Fixed bug that when throwing a small rock very quickly (indeed it was with dropping all items) they were not subtracted from the client after a while
   Fixed meat on a stick and hunting rifle bullet to not have animation warnings

Znane Bugi[ | ]

   Animals get knocked back quite far when hit
   If you light a pipebomb and don’t throw it, it will explode but the pipebomb is not “deleted”/removed from your inventory. If you die, all of them are dropped, including the one that exploded.
   Stability on Bridges are still a little weak in the middle
   Dogs climb ladders sometimes
   Animals sometimes run in circles due to zombie ai improvements
   Auger is rendered smaller in player’s hands
   Multiplayer servers sometime don’t show up in server browser
   Spanish, French and German translations are not done use English for now
   Large structures falling from stability cause poor performance on lower end systems
   Rocket Launcher does not have a degradation stat bar
   Switching languages multiple times in a row can cause broken wording in continued game
   Continue game screen titles not updating when re-entering.
   The NAT punchthrough sometimes doesn’t work as it should for some users and usually results in server hosting connection issues. Use the disable nat option in the server config to work around this for now.

Nawiązania[ | ]
