7 Days to Die Wiki
Electrical Parts
Wires, switches, screw joints...
Basic Information
Removed: {{{removed_version}}}
Group Resources
Category Intermediate Resource
Loot Container
Gear Slot
Related Attribute
Related Perk(s)
Related Perk Book(s)
Block Properties
Hit Points
Storage Slots
Horizontal Support
Light Opacity
Upgrades to
Breaks to
Weapon/Tool Properties
Entity Damage
Power Attack Entity Damage
Block Damage
Power Attack Block Damage
Effective Range
Explosion Range Entities
Explosion Range Blocks
Attacks per Minute
Rounds per Minute
Reload Time
Ammo Type
Magazine Size
Stamina Usage
Power Attack Stamina Usage
Damage Multiplier: Earth
Damage Multiplier: Metal
Damage Multiplier: Stone
Damage Multiplier: Wood
Butcher Tool
Butcher Damage Multiplier
Butcher Resource Multiplier
Disassemble Tool
Vehicle Properties
Vehicle Speed
Vehicle Sprint Speed
Protection Properties
Cold Resist
Heat Resist
Armor Rating
Elemental Protection
Effect Protection
Mobility Reduction
Stamina Regen Reduction
Noise Increase
Consumption Effects
Effect on Fullness
Effect on Hydration
Effect on max Stamina
Effect on Stamina regen
Effect on Health
Effect on Max Health
Cure Percentage
Buff Effect
Buff Duration
Dysentery Chance (%)
Characteristic Properties
Degradation per Use
Mod Slots
Mod Type
Compatible Mods
Repaired Using
Electrical Power Required
Base Price
Max Stack 1000
Scrapping/Forging Properties
Scraps into
Combustible No
Burn Time
Farming Properties
Crop produced
Seed used
Time to grow
Obtainable Through


Electrical Parts is a un-craftable multi-purpose part that can be used for crafting various items.

Electrical Parts can be found by left-clicking with a Wrench on Street Lights, Gas Stations, Sedans, Cash Registers, Air Conditioners, Stoves, and Refrigerators.

If you don't have a wrench and need Electrical Parts, scrap unused Flashlight to get 3 of them.



Block Tool Common Location
Oven Wrench Trailer Park
Old Outdoor Light (POI) Wrench Prison
Fluorescent Light (POI) Wrench High School
Refrigerator Wrench Trailer Park
Gas Pump Wrench Pass n Gas Gas Station
Street Light (POI) Wrench Water Treatment Facility
Air Conditioner Wrench Hospital
End Table Lamp Wrench Apartment Building
TV Wrench Hospital
Refrigerator Top Wrench Apartment Building
Fridge Bottom Wrench Apartment Building
Washing Machine Wrench Apartment Building
Trash Compactor Wrench Apartment Building
Beverage Cooler Wrench Hospital
Cash Register Empty Wrench Book Store
Cash Register Wrench Bank
Spotlight (POI) Wrench Traders
Sedan Wrench Hospital
Car Wreck Wrench Parking Garage
Control Panel Base01 Wrench Water Treatment Facility
Fusebox Wrench Traders
Industrial Light (POI) Wrench Football Stadium
Conduit01 Wrench Refinery
Auto Turret Wrench
Shop Sign: Open Wrench Traders
Loudspeaker (POI) Wrench Theatre
Destroyed Battery Bank Wrench
Destroyed Generator Bank Wrench
Generator Bank Wrench
Battery Bank Wrench
Electric Wire Relay Wrench
Trigger Plate 1x1 Wrench
Speaker Wrench
Electric Timer Relay Wrench
Blade Trap Wrench
Dart Trap Wrench
Trigger Plate 1x5 Wrench
Spotlight Wrench
Industrial Light Wrench
Fluorescent Light Wrench
Electric Fence Post Wrench



The following recipes require Electrical Parts: (NOTE: Times are based on a level 1 skill and the material that an object is crafted from, which is only reliable for food at the moment, so is rather difficult to calculate, this table is auto-generated):

Item Required Materials Workstation Time Magazine Perk Book Schematic
4x4TruckAccessories 4x4 Truck Accessories ElectricParts Electrical Parts x33, Headlight Headlight x8, ShortMetalPipe Short Iron Pipe x50, Spring Spring x4, MechanicalParts Mechanical Parts x16 Workbench 03:30 Vehicle Adventures - -
4x4TruckChassis 4x4 Truck Chassis IngotSteel Forged Steel x250, MechanicalParts Mechanical Parts x40, DuctTape Duct Tape x20, Leather Leather x40, ElectricParts Electrical Parts x16 Workbench 03:30 Vehicle Adventures - -
CeilingLight01 Basic Light Bulb ForgedIron Forged Iron x2, ElectricParts Electrical Parts x4, Headlight Headlight x1 Workbench 00:21.8 Wiring 101 - -
BatteryBank Battery Bank ForgedIron Forged Iron x10, ElectricParts Electrical Parts x11, ScrapPlastics Scrap Polymers x6 Workbench 01:43.4 Wiring 101 - -
CntBeerCooler Beverage Cooler ForgedIron Forged Iron x4, ShortMetalPipe Short Iron Pipe x3, ElectricParts Electrical Parts x6 Workbench 00:44.2 - - -
BladeTrap Blade Trap ForgedIron Forged Iron x10, IngotSteel Forged Steel x10, MechanicalParts Mechanical Parts x8, ElectricParts Electrical Parts x6, Oil Oil x10 Workbench 04:22.8 Electrical Traps - -
DartTrap Dart Trap ForgedIron Forged Iron x20, MechanicalParts Mechanical Parts x6, ElectricParts Electrical Parts x4, Oil Oil x5 Workbench 03:27 Electrical Traps - -
ElectricFencePost Electric Fence Post ForgedIron Forged Iron x5, ElectricParts Electrical Parts x2 Workbench 00:50.4 Electrical Traps - -
Electrictimerrelay Electric Timer Relay ForgedIron Forged Iron x2, ElectricParts Electrical Parts x5 Workbench 00:21 Wiring 101 - -
ElectricWireRelay Electric Wire Relay ForgedIron Forged Iron x2, ElectricParts Electrical Parts x1 Workbench 00:20.2 Wiring 101 - -
EndTableLamp End Table Lamp Woodresource Wood x5, Headlight Headlight x1, ElectricParts Electrical Parts x3, DuctTape Duct Tape x4, ScrapPlastics Scrap Polymers x4 Workbench 00:7.4 - - -
Flashlight02 Flashlight ForgedIron Forged Iron x1, ElectricParts Electrical Parts x10, DuctTape Duct Tape x4, ScrapPlastics Scrap Polymers x4 Workbench 00:16.8 - - -
CeilingLight07 Fluorescent Light ForgedIron Forged Iron x2, ElectricParts Electrical Parts x4 Workbench 00:20.8 Wiring 101 - -
GeneratorBank Generator Bank ForgedIron Forged Iron x10, MechanicalParts Mechanical Parts x10, ElectricParts Electrical Parts x14 Workbench 01:44.8 Wiring 101 - -
GyrocopterAccessories Gyrocopter Accessories ElectricParts Electrical Parts x33, Headlight Headlight x8, ShortMetalPipe Short Iron Pipe x50, MechanicalParts Mechanical Parts x10, Spring Spring x4 Workbench 04:30 Vehicle Adventures - -
GyrocopterChassis Gyrocopter Chassis IngotSteel Forged Steel x125, MechanicalParts Mechanical Parts x40, DuctTape Duct Tape x25, Leather Leather x40, ElectricParts Electrical Parts x20 Workbench 04:30 Vehicle Adventures - -
IndustrialLight01 Industrial Light ForgedIron Forged Iron x4, ElectricParts Electrical Parts x4 Workbench 00:40.8 Wiring 101 - -
LightIndustrial Industrial Light Bulb ForgedIron Forged Iron x4, ElectricParts Electrical Parts x4 Workbench 00:40.8 Wiring 101 - -
Lantern Lantern ForgedIron Forged Iron x5, Headlight Headlight x1, ElectricParts Electrical Parts x3, DuctTape Duct Tape x4, Oil Oil x5 Workbench 01:0.6 - - -
MiniBikeChassis Minibike Chassis ForgedIron Forged Iron x10, MechanicalParts Mechanical Parts x4, DuctTape Duct Tape x4, Leather Leather x4, ElectricParts Electrical Parts x1 Workbench 01:30 Vehicle Adventures - -
MinibikeHandlebars Minibike Handlebars MechanicalParts Mechanical Parts x4, Spring Spring x2, Headlight Headlight x1, ElectricParts Electrical Parts x2, ShortMetalPipe Short Iron Pipe x6 Workbench 01:30 Vehicle Adventures - -
MotionSensor Motion Sensor ForgedIron Forged Iron x2, MechanicalParts Mechanical Parts x1, ElectricParts Electrical Parts x5 Workbench 00:21.2 Wiring 101 - -
MotorcycleChassis Motorcycle Chassis IngotSteel Forged Steel x25, MechanicalParts Mechanical Parts x10, DuctTape Duct Tape x10, Leather Leather x10, ElectricParts Electrical Parts x3 Workbench 02:30 Vehicle Adventures - -
MotorcycleHandlebars Motorcycle Handlebars MechanicalParts Mechanical Parts x10, DuctTape Duct Tape x10, Headlight Headlight x1, ElectricParts Electrical Parts x6, IngotSteel Forged Steel x5 Workbench 02:30 Vehicle Adventures - -
MetalReinforcedWoodDrawBridge Reinforced Drawbridge (Powered) ForgedIron Forged Iron x20, Woodresource Wood x20, Spring Spring x20, MechanicalParts Mechanical Parts x20, ElectricParts Electrical Parts x20 Workbench 03:52 Wiring 101 - -
Speaker Speaker ForgedIron Forged Iron x4, ElectricParts Electrical Parts x3 Workbench 00:40.6 Wiring 101 - -
MobileSpotlight Spotlight Headlight Headlight x1, ElectricParts Electrical Parts x8, DuctTape Duct Tape x2, ScrapIron Iron x50 Workbench 00:14.6 Wiring 101 - -
VaultHatch Steel Hatch (Powered) IngotSteel Forged Steel x10, Spring Spring x10, MechanicalParts Mechanical Parts x10, ElectricParts Electrical Parts x10 Workbench 02:44 Wiring 101 - -
StunBaton Stun Baton StunBatonParts Baton Parts x1, ForgedIron Forged Iron x5, Leather Leather x2, DuctTape Duct Tape x2, ElectricParts Electrical Parts x2 Workbench 01:04 Tech Planet - -
Switch Switch ForgedIron Forged Iron x2, MechanicalParts Mechanical Parts x1, ElectricParts Electrical Parts x1 Workbench 00:20.4 Wiring 101 - -
TV TV ScrapPlastics Scrap Polymers x8, ElectricParts Electrical Parts x12, GlassBusinessCTRSheet Glass Block x1 Workbench 00:05 - - -
TV TV Large, Left ScrapPlastics Scrap Polymers x8, ElectricParts Electrical Parts x12, GlassBusinessCTRSheet Glass Block x1 Workbench 00:05 - - -
TV TV Large, Right ScrapPlastics Scrap Polymers x8, ElectricParts Electrical Parts x12, GlassBusinessCTRSheet Glass Block x1 Workbench 00:05 - - -
ThrownTimedCharge Timed Charge ScrapIron Iron x20, GunPowder Gun Powder x10, ElectricParts Electrical Parts x1 Workbench 00:30 Explosive Magazine - -
PressurePlate Trigger Plate ForgedIron Forged Iron x10, ElectricParts Electrical Parts x2, MechanicalParts Mechanical Parts x2
ForgedIron Forged Iron x50, MechanicalParts Mechanical Parts x8, ElectricParts Electrical Parts x6
Wiring 101
Wiring 101
TripWirePost Trip Wire Post Woodresource Wood x5, ElectricParts Electrical Parts x1 Workbench 00:1.2 Wiring 101 - -


Patch version Changes
Alpha 15 Added Electrical Parts. Crafted at a Workbench using Forged Iron, Insulator, and Duct Tape.
Alpha 18.2 Electrical Parts can no longer be crafted.


  • Electrical Parts are the replacement for the removed Scrap Cable item.