7 Days to Die Wiki

Ui game symbol misc crafting
This page contains content no longer in the game.
This enemy/NPC was removed in Alpha 16.

A screenshot of an attacking Hornet

Removed: Alpha 16
Category Animal
Type Hostile%Hostile NPCs
Zombie Type
Entity-ID 18
Drops Jar of Honey
Loot Container
Location Map Wide


HP (Normal)
HP (Feral)
HP (Radiated)
HP (Legendary)
Entity Damage
Block Damage N/A
Crit Ratio

A Hornet is a hostile type of Animal in the game. They can typically be found in wastelands or ruined cities.

They will emit very loud 'buzzing' sounds when nearby a player. Hornets move slowly, tending to fly high over streets, only occasionally swooping down to attack unwary players. Hornets also drop 2X honey when killed in the air.

Combat[ | ]

Hornets attack with straight-forward dive bombs and slow, circular strafing maneuvers close to the player, making it simple to line up a shot or to eliminate them with a melee weapon.

They have a tendency to charge in on players distracted with looting containers or bodies, taking advantage and attacking from behind. Keeping alert for close buzzing noises is a good way to avoid being caught off-guard.

Hornets will typically spawn around large zombie hordes in wastelands or cities. They can also spawn with 7 Day hordes, although this is uncommon.

Loot[ | ]

Hornets will almost always drop Jars of Honey upon death.

If a Hornet is killed with a Hunting Knife a player will loot three additional Honey Jars.

Notes[ | ]

  • Prior to Alpha 13, Hornets used to reside in hives inside derelict houses located in the Burnt Forest biome.
  • Hornets have not yet been removed from the console version of 7 Days to Die.