7 Days to Die Wiki
Basic Information
Removed: {{{removed_version}}}
Group Resources
Category Basic Resource
Loot Container
Gear Slot
Related Attribute
Related Perk(s)
Related Perk Book(s)
Block Properties
Hit Points
Storage Slots
Horizontal Support
Light Opacity
Upgrades to
Breaks to
Weapon/Tool Properties
Entity Damage
Power Attack Entity Damage
Block Damage
Power Attack Block Damage
Effective Range
Explosion Range Entities
Explosion Range Blocks
Attacks per Minute
Rounds per Minute
Reload Time
Ammo Type
Magazine Size
Stamina Usage
Power Attack Stamina Usage
Damage Multiplier: Earth
Damage Multiplier: Metal
Damage Multiplier: Stone
Damage Multiplier: Wood
Butcher Tool
Butcher Damage Multiplier
Butcher Resource Multiplier
Disassemble Tool
Vehicle Properties
Vehicle Speed
Vehicle Sprint Speed
Protection Properties
Cold Resist
Heat Resist
Armor Rating
Elemental Protection
Effect Protection
Mobility Reduction
Stamina Regen Reduction
Noise Increase
Consumption Effects
Effect on Fullness
Effect on Hydration
Effect on max Stamina
Effect on Stamina regen
Effect on Health
Effect on Max Health
Cure Percentage
Buff Effect
Buff Duration
Dysentery Chance (%)
Characteristic Properties
Degradation per Use
Mod Slots
Mod Type
Compatible Mods
Repaired Using
Electrical Power Required
Base Price
Sell: 0 (0.2)
Buy: 3
Max Stack 6000
Scrapping/Forging Properties
Scraps into
Meltable Yes
Material Iron
Combustible No
Burn Time
Farming Properties
Crop produced
Seed used
Time to grow
Obtainable Through


Iron is a common crafting component which can be mined from Iron Ore, scavenged or salvaged from various locations in 7 Days to Die or crafted using iron based items. Iron can also be obtained from destroying existing metal-like objects. Examples include decaying vehicle frames, air/heating vents, shed metal sheeting, metal barricaded windows, iron store shelves, metal ladders, and much more. Iron can be melted in a Forge to cast Forged Iron, or used to craft various other items. A single piece of Iron weighs 0.5 lb. Iron is also one of the most influential basic resources to a players playthrough.


Iron can be extracted from a Forge prior to moving the forge at no loss of materials.

{{{nameresult}}}{{{imageresult}}}{{{yield}}}{{{time}}}Iron (Forge)1{{{linkname2}}}{{{itemcount2}}}{{{linkname3}}}{{{itemcount3}}}{{{linkname4}}}{{{itemcount4}}}{{{linkname5}}}{{{itemcount5}}}{{{magazinetype}}}{{{magazinecount}}}{{{magazinequal2}}}{{{magazinequal3}}}{{{magazinequal4}}}{{{magazinequal5}}}{{{LeveledCraft}}}{{{craftmultiplier}}}{{{skill}}}{{{skillmod}}}{{{perkbook}}}{{{schematic}}}Forge{{{implement}}}{{{inventorycraft}}} |style="padding: 7px"| |Item missing!

Iron Recipe
Item Name Count
Item Name Count
Quality 1 Quality 2 Quality 3 Quality 4 Quality 5 Quality 6*

Craftingclock 00:01

ScrapIron Iron (Forge) 1
Item 2 missing!
Item 3 missing!
Item 4 missing!
Item 5 missing!
Unlock Options
Schematic  Schematic
Crafted in
Forge Forge

Iron Sources[]

The table below shows items that can be scrapped to craft Iron and the weight of each item. Error: DPL query with no results found.

Usage in Crafting[]


The following recipes require Iron:

Item Required Materials
Anvil Anvil ScrapIron Iron x1000, ClaySoil Clay Soil x100
BarbedFence Barbed Fence Wire Woodresource Wood x10, ScrapIron Iron x8
BulletProofGlassPlate Bulletproof Glass Block CrushedSand Crushed Sand x110, RockSmall Small Stone x10, ScrapLead Lead x40, ScrapIron Iron x20, ClaySoil Clay Soil x20
CookingGrill Cooking Grill ScrapIron Iron x25, ClaySoil Clay Soil x5
CookingPot Cooking Pot ScrapIron Iron x25, ClaySoil Clay Soil x5
IronArrowHead Iron Arrowhead ScrapIron Iron x2, ClaySoil Clay Soil x1
IronBars Iron Bars ScrapIron Iron x100, ClaySoil Clay Soil x20
Dart Iron Dart ScrapIron Iron x3, ClaySoil Clay Soil x1
KnuckleWraps Knuckle Wraps ScrapIron Iron x6, Leather Leather x2
MetalTrussing Metal Trussing / I-Beams ScrapIron Iron x40, ClaySoil Clay Soil x5
Nails Nails ScrapIron Iron x1, ClaySoil Clay Soil x1
Chair01 Old Chair Woodresource Wood x10, ScrapIron Iron x5, Cloth Cloth Fragment x15
RScrapIronBlock Reinforced Iron Blocks ScrapIronBlock Iron Blocks x1, ScrapIron Iron x40
ReinforcedMetalSiding Reinforced Metal Siding ScrapIron Iron x40
AmmoJunkTurretAP Robotic Turret Ammo (AP) ScrapLead Lead x3, ScrapIron Iron x3
A13RocketCasing Rocket Casing ScrapIron Iron x50, ClaySoil Clay Soil x30
ScrapBoots Scrap Boots ScrapIron Iron x50, Leather Leather x2, DuctTape Duct Tape x1
ScrapChestArmor Scrap Chest Armor ScrapIron Iron x50, Leather Leather x2, DuctTape Duct Tape x1
ScrapGloves Scrap Gloves ScrapIron Iron x50, Leather Leather x2, DuctTape Duct Tape x1
ScrapHelmet Scrap Helmet ScrapIron Iron x50, Leather Leather x2, DuctTape Duct Tape x1
ScrapLegArmor Scrap Leg Armor ScrapIron Iron x50, Leather Leather x2, DuctTape Duct Tape x1
MobileSpotlight Spotlight Headlight Headlight x1, ElectricParts Electrical Parts x8, DuctTape Duct Tape x2, ScrapIron Iron x50
SteelArrowHead Steel Arrowhead ScrapIron Iron x5, ClaySoil Clay Soil x1
ThrownTimedCharge Timed Charge ScrapIron Iron x20, GunPowder Gun Powder x10, ElectricParts Electrical Parts x1
MineCandyTin Tin Land Mine ScrapIron Iron x4, GunPowder Gun Powder x4, Nails Nails x1, DuctTape Duct Tape x1
WroughtIronFenceSheet Wrought Iron Fence ScrapIron Iron x15, ClaySoil Clay Soil x1


Iron is


The following recipes require Iron: (NOTE: Times are based on a level 1 skill and the material that an object is crafted from, which is only reliable for food at the moment, so is rather difficult to calculate, this table is auto-generated):

Item Required Materials Implement Time Magazine Perk Book Skill Schematic
Anvil Anvil ScrapIron Iron x1000, ClaySoil Clay Soil x100 - 09:10 Forge Ahead - Advanced Engineering -
BarbedFence Barbed Fence Wire Woodresource Wood x10, ScrapIron Iron x8 - 00:3.6 - - - -
BulletProofGlassPlate Bulletproof Glass Block CrushedSand Crushed Sand x110, RockSmall Small Stone x10, ScrapLead Lead x40, ScrapIron Iron x20, ClaySoil Clay Soil x20 Crucible 02:32.5 - - Advanced Engineering -
CookingGrill Cooking Grill ScrapIron Iron x25, ClaySoil Clay Soil x5 - 00:15 - - Advanced Engineering -
CookingPot Cooking Pot ScrapIron Iron x25, ClaySoil Clay Soil x5 - 00:15 - - Advanced Engineering -
IronArrowHead Iron Arrowhead ScrapIron Iron x2, ClaySoil Clay Soil x1 - 00:1.5 - - - -
IronBars Iron Bars ScrapIron Iron x100, ClaySoil Clay Soil x20 - 01:00 - - Advanced Engineering -
Dart Iron Dart ScrapIron Iron x3, ClaySoil Clay Soil x1 - 00:02 - - - -
KnuckleWraps Knuckle Wraps ScrapIron Iron x6, Leather Leather x2 - 00:1.6 Furious Fists - - -
MetalTrussing Metal Trussing / I-Beams ScrapIron Iron x40, ClaySoil Clay Soil x5 - 00:22.5 - - Advanced Engineering -
Nails Nails ScrapIron Iron x1, ClaySoil Clay Soil x1 - 00:01 - - - -
Chair01 Old Chair Woodresource Wood x10, ScrapIron Iron x5, Cloth Cloth Fragment x15 - 00:18 - - - -
RScrapIronBlock Reinforced Iron Blocks ScrapIronBlock Iron Blocks x1, ScrapIron Iron x40 - 00:09 - - - -
ReinforcedMetalSiding Reinforced Metal Siding ScrapIron Iron x40 - 00:08 - - - -
AmmoJunkTurretAP Robotic Turret Ammo (AP) ScrapLead Lead x3, ScrapIron Iron x3 - 00:01 - Tech Junkie Vol. 3 - -
A13RocketCasing Rocket Casing ScrapIron Iron x50, ClaySoil Clay Soil x30 - 00:40 Explosive Magazine - Advanced Engineering -
ScrapBoots Scrap Boots ScrapIron Iron x50, Leather Leather x2, DuctTape Duct Tape x1 - 00:11.4 Armored Up - - -
ScrapChestArmor Scrap Chest Armor ScrapIron Iron x50, Leather Leather x2, DuctTape Duct Tape x1 - 00:11.4 Armored Up - - -
ScrapGloves Scrap Gloves ScrapIron Iron x50, Leather Leather x2, DuctTape Duct Tape x1 - 00:11.4 Armored Up - - -
ScrapHelmet Scrap Helmet ScrapIron Iron x50, Leather Leather x2, DuctTape Duct Tape x1 - 00:11.4 Armored Up - - -
ScrapLegArmor Scrap Leg Armor ScrapIron Iron x50, Leather Leather x2, DuctTape Duct Tape x1 - 00:11.4 Armored Up - - -
MobileSpotlight Spotlight Headlight Headlight x1, ElectricParts Electrical Parts x8, DuctTape Duct Tape x2, ScrapIron Iron x50 - 00:14.6 Wiring 101 - Advanced Engineering -
SteelArrowHead Steel Arrowhead ScrapIron Iron x5, ClaySoil Clay Soil x1 Crucible 00:03 - - Advanced Engineering -
ThrownTimedCharge Timed Charge ScrapIron Iron x20, GunPowder Gun Powder x10, ElectricParts Electrical Parts x1 - 00:30 Explosive Magazine - - -
MineCandyTin Tin Land Mine ScrapIron Iron x4, GunPowder Gun Powder x4, Nails Nails x1, DuctTape Duct Tape x1 - 00:6.8 - - - -
WroughtIronFenceSheet Wrought Iron Fence ScrapIron Iron x15, ClaySoil Clay Soil x1 - 00:08 - - - -



You can use Iron to craft Scrap Iron Hatch which can be smelted in a forge for the 40 pts of Iron which are used to craft it. Scrap Iron Hatch will stack up to 500 therefore, you can hold 20.000 pts of Iron in a single stack for smelting purpose.

-basic robotic turret ammo can be crafted in bulk at the workbench for 2400 iron and can be smelted back down for 3000 iron creating an infinite, though tedious, source of iron.
