7 Days to Die Wiki
Potato Plant
Basic Information
Removed: {{{removed_version}}}
Group Decor/Miscellaneous
Category Flora
Type Plant
Loot Container
Gear Slot
Related Attribute
Related Perk(s)
Related Perk Book(s)
Block Properties
Hit Points
Storage Slots
Horizontal Support
Light Opacity
Upgrades to
Breaks to
Weapon/Tool Properties
Entity Damage
Power Attack Entity Damage
Block Damage
Power Attack Block Damage
Effective Range
Explosion Range Entities
Explosion Range Blocks
Attacks per Minute
Rounds per Minute
Reload Time
Ammo Type
Magazine Size
Stamina Usage
Power Attack Stamina Usage
Damage Multiplier: Earth
Damage Multiplier: Metal
Damage Multiplier: Stone
Damage Multiplier: Wood
Butcher Tool
Butcher Damage Multiplier
Butcher Resource Multiplier
Disassemble Tool
Vehicle Properties
Vehicle Speed
Vehicle Sprint Speed
Protection Properties
Cold Resist
Heat Resist
Armor Rating
Elemental Protection
Effect Protection
Mobility Reduction
Stamina Regen Reduction
Noise Increase
Consumption Effects
Effect on Fullness
Effect on Hydration
Effect on max Stamina
Effect on Stamina regen
Effect on Health
Effect on Max Health
Cure Percentage
Buff Effect
Buff Duration
Dysentery Chance (%)
Characteristic Properties
Degradation per Use
Mod Slots
Mod Type
Compatible Mods
Repaired Using
Electrical Power Required
Base Price
Max Stack 0
Scrapping/Forging Properties
Scraps into Potato
Burn Time
Farming Properties
Crop produced
Seed used
Time to grow
Obtainable Through


A Potato Plant is a harvest-able plant which produces Potatoes. It can be found growing wild at the farm house approx. 500 m North of Trader Joel's on Navezgane map. Can be grown in a Farm Plot by planting a Potato Seed. The growth of the plant progresses through 3 stages, starting from a seedling until reaching a full size mature plant. Growth stage 1 and 2 take 60 minutes each with a mature plant taking the total time of 120 minutes to fully grow. It is not possible to harvest a Potato Plant before it has fully grown.


To cultivate a Potato Plant the player must first acquire either a Potato Seed or multiple Potatoes. Both can be bought from Traders or found while Looting. The Potato Seed and a Farm Plot is crafted, the seed is ready to be planted into the plot where there is sunlight.


With the seed equipped in their characters hand the player must place the cross-hair over a Farm Plot and plant the seed using the right mouse button. Upon doing so the player will see a new Potato Plant seedling appear. The Potato Plant is now at the start of its growth cycle.

Growth Cycle[]

A Potato Plant has 3 stages of growth.

Stage 1[]

At this stage the Potato Plant is a newly planted seedling and is represented as such by a small seedling growing from the ground.

Stage 2[]

Upon reaching stage 2 the Potato Plant will grow to a height of one block and will show as a juvenile plant with new shoots.

Stage 3[]

This is the final stage of growth for the Potato Plant and it is now ready to harvest.


Harvesting a Potato Plant is very simple, the player only has to move the cross-hair over the plant and the option to harvest the plant using the E key (Default) will be shown on the screen.


Dish Crafting method Ingredients needed Health gain Stamina gain Fullness gain Hydration gain Wellness Smell
Potato none 1x Potato 0 0 2 0 0 no
Baked Potato Cooking Grill on a Campfire 1x Potato 0 0 4 0 0 yes
Vegetable Stew Cooking Pot on a Campfire 1x Water, 1x Ear of Corn, 1x Potato, 1x Mushroom 5 0 7 0 0.1 yes
Meat Stew Cooking Pot on a Campfire 1x Water, 1x Raw Meat, 1x Ear of Corn, 1x Potato 3 0 20 0 1.6 yes


  • Potato Plant must have sunlight to grow.
  • Potato Plant can only be grown in a Farm Plot
  • Potatos can be eaten raw for a small boost to Fullness